Hello The New Jersey Coalition for the Advancement of Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology (NJCART) is a non-profit organization established in 1987 to promote the appropriate applications of technology for individuals with disabilities, assure access to resources and provide continuing education to its members and the community at large.
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Email njcartmembers@googlegroups.com or holzmanpatricia@gmail.com
We are proud to be your AT Resource in New Jersey!
We are the New Jersey Coalition for the Advancement of Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology (NJCART). Our organization’s mission is to facilitate and support connections between those who utilize Assistive Technology (AT) and those who support the use of AT within the state of New Jersey. During these unprecedented times, we are reaching out to New Jersey educational institutions and professional organizations to share information and develop partnerships. NJCART is comprised of dedicated professionals, individuals with disabilities and families with years of experience willing to share resources related to Assistive Technology. Our goal is to actively engage others in expanding their AT knowledge regarding augmentative communication, hearing, vision, mobility, education, employment, transition and independent living. We hope you will join our Google Group to collaborate with other AT Professionals so we can learn together!NJCART Board of Directors
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