As of January 1, 2013, membership to NJCART is FREE.
The NJCART Google Group is a free service for a growing email group of people interested in Assistive Technology in the New Jersey area. It’s a great forum to ask tough Assistive Technology questions, find out about the newest technology, tell others about upcoming events you are sponsoring, or announce new job openings.
- What are the best Google Chrome apps and extensions for students with reading difficulties?
- I am looking for suggestions for an online talking calculator. Any suggestions are appreciated.
- I am trying to create an accessible journal for my students to be able to edit, it will be saved individually for them using MS Office software. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
- I am looking for suggestions for a RELIABLE Bluetooth iPad switch interface. If you have experience with one or more that you like, please let me know.
Email njcartmembers@googlegroups.com or holzmanpatricia@gmail.com