Our Mission
The New Jersey Coalition for the Advancement of Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology (NJCART) is a non-profit organization established in 1987 to promote the appropriate applications of technology for individuals with disabilities, assure access to resources and provide continuing education to its members and the community at large.

Who is part of NJCART?
NJCART seeks to connect people within the Assistive Technology community of New Jersey by providing networking opportunities and offering easy access to information and resources about Assistive Technology. Anyone can join – our members include, but are not limited to:
  • Assistive Technology Providers
  • Therapists
  • Educators
  • Consumers
  • Caregivers
  • Equipment manufacturers and vendors
  • Medical Practitioners
  • Administrators
  • Government representatives
  • Volunteers
  • Students


New Jersey Coalition for the Advancement of Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology, Inc. Article I – Name

The name of the organization shall be the New Jersey Coalition for the Advancement of Assistive and Rehabilitation Technology, Inc., hereinafter called NJ CART. Article II – Mission

The NJ CART will promote the application of technology that helps individuals with disabilities reach their goals through efforts to (1) advocate for public policy to enhance access to assistive technology devices and services, and (2) provide continuing education for its members, professionals, individuals with disabilities, and the community-at-large. Article III – Goals
  1. To develop an effective network of professionals in fields pertaining to the advancement of technology for individuals with disabilities.
  2. To provide information and referral to its members, professionals, individuals with disabilities, and the community at large regarding technology, resources and advancements, and public policy pertaining to technology.
  3. To provide linkages among manufacturers, professionals, and consumers to share information, resources, and state-of-the-art technology.

Article IV – Membership
  1. Membership is open to any individual interested in the advancement of assistive and rehabilitation technology.
  2. Membership is conferred upon registration.
  3. The membership year shall run from January 1 to December 31 of the year.
  4. Any regular member of NJ CART shall be entitled to all customary rights and privileges, including voting for officers, trustees, and any other issue to come before the general membership.
  5. Membership may be terminated by:
    1. Any member who exhibits negative behaviors outside of the mission of NJ CART as determined bythe Officers shall be suspended from all privileges of membership.
    2. Resignation in writing to NJ CART.

Article VII – Elections, Nominating Committee
  1. Elections of officers shall be held to coincide with the last meeting of the calendar year.
  2. A simple majority vote shall be required to elect a candidate(s).
  3. In the event that an office of NJ CART shall become vacant, the members of NJ CART shall immediately fill such vacancy through the electoral process for the remainder of the unexpired term with the exception of the office of the President.
  4. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the immediate Past-President as the chairperson, and two other members appointed by the chairperson, one of whom shall be a trustee.
  5. The Nominating Committee shall recommend to the Officers a slate of qualified candidates for each office prior to elections.
  6. Newly elected officers shall assume their positions January 1 of the following year.

Article VIII – Compensation

No members, trustees or officers shall receive any fee, salary, or compensation of any kind for their services as trustees and/or officers, provided, however, that trustees and officers may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred upon presentation of vouchers. Article IX –Parliamentary Procedure

“Roberts Rules of Order, Revised” shall be the parliamentary authority for the conduction of business of NJ CART. Article X – Force and Effects of the By-Laws

These By-laws are subject to the provisions of the New Jersey Non-profit Corporation Act (“the Act”) and the Certificate of Incorporation as they may be amended from time to time. If any provision in these By-laws is inconsistent with a provision in the Act or the Certificate of Incorporation, the provision of the Act or the Certificate of Incorporation shall govern to the extent of such inconsistency. Article XI – Amendments

Provided the intent to consider an amendment has been discussed by the Officers and has been submitted in writing to all members, the By-laws can be amended by a 2/3 majority of regular members in good standing present and voting. (Est. September 2012)